Staging in Houston, TX

It finally begins.  Still doesn't seem real yet.  Like I have to complete some more pre departure activities or get some other medical examination.  This has been 18 months in the making and I have been counting down to this day for the past three months but it still just feels as though there is going to be another day after today and another after that.  I guess what i'm trying to say is that this has felt like an endless process and now that the day is finally here, it just feels so weird.  

Anyway, I left Maryland today and all the snow and bitter cold behind.  I also left behind my family, my amazing dog and all my friends in Gaithersburg and Towson.  As tough as it was to say goodbye to everyone, I had a great final two weeks celebrating moving on and spending time with some really good people.

Staging is officially tomorrow but since we have to be at the hotel by 12, it made more sense to fly in today and spend the night at my aunt and uncle's house just outside of Houston.  I know a majority of the other Costa Rica PCVs arrived yesterday or coming in sometime today.  Tomorrow is a day of ice breakers, getting to know the other volunteers etc and a chance to finally meet everyone else that is about to embark on this journey with me.

I am still waiting for it to hit me that this is it for the next two years and three months for my life.  I have been told to come in no expectations and no preconceptions about what may be in hold for me but its impossible not to wonder.  Of course I have read other PCV's blogs, searched the internet for information and read a whole lot of stories (the good and the bad).  What most concerns me is that I arrive in a site where the community has high expectations for me or that I simply cannot provide the assistance they need.  From what I have read, it is up to me to choose my projects and up to me to stay busy.  

One of the "horror stories" I read was about a volunteer who was told point blank by the community official that there was nothing else needed in the community.  Now while it was her choice to stay in the community rather than leave and immerse into a whole new community, she still spent almost a year spending her days "taking long walks to kill the hours".

More tomorrow after staging...


Off to Costa Rica!!!

As I am writing this, I am on practically zero sleep semi consciously understanding what I am writing so apologies in advance for poor grammar, spelling etc.  We left Houston this morning on an 853 am flight which meant we had to check out of the hotel by 330 and packed up on a bus by 400.  Naturally with 41 people trying to board a plane, trying to weigh luggage and figuring out any stipulations for Peace Corps travel, it can get pretty backed up.  However, we all got through security and to the gate with plentyyyy of time to spare and ended up lounging around/sleeping wherever we could find a spot.  

We arrived in around 1 local time to 82 degrees and bright sunshine greeted by a ton of Peace Corps staff.  We loaded up a truck with our luggage then ourselves onto a bus to go the "resort".  We spent 2-3 hours going over our staffs bios, introductions and a quick overview of what the next 6 days will hold in store.  (I will try to upload a photo of our schedule this week)  Much of the week will be focused around getting ready to be immersed into the training communities and preparing to live with a host family.  There are 41 new volunteers total and we are pretty much perfectly split down the middle between CED (20) and TEFL (21) and while each group has some activities that are catered to their sector, the majority of the week will be spent together until Saturday where we get our assignments for our training host family which will be our home for the next 12 weeks after.

The resort is absolutely beautiful and I should hopefully have the opportunity to take some photos to share on this blog tomorrow.  We are located just outside San Jose in a part called San Pablo.  We are surrounded by mountains and overlook the city below.  There is less light pollution here so the stars shine brighter and seem a whole lot closer.

Will be here for the next 6 days and then onto training and the intensive courses on safety, Spanish and technical skills.  Will update as much as possible now as I have access to wifi (and a pool and a Jacuzzi)

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